Welcome to the Council Committee Management Information System (CMIS).
Here you are able to find out about decision-making and individuals who represent you.
Castle Point Borough Council is made up of 24 People's Independent Party (PIP) and 15 Canvey Island Independent Party (CIIP) Members.
Decisions can be made by the Cabinet (8 Members), the Council (all Members) or a Committee. Go to the Meetings link and look under the appropriate meeting.
Please note that all public agendas, reports and decision lists and minutes documents are available from 1 February 2024 onwards. Prior to this time, please click on the following link to acess the agends and minutes archive:
Agendas and Minutes Archive: 17 April 2013 - 31 January 2024 | CastlePoint Borough Council
Please click on the link below for livestreams of Council, Cabinet or Committee meetings:
Castle Point Borough Council Livestreams
If you want to register to speak at Development Management Committee, please read the guidance for public speaking below:
Public Speaking at Development Management Committee - Protocol
The Mayor of Castle Point is always happy to support any events within the local commuinty. Please find below a link to the Mayor's page on the Council's website where there are useful links and an online form requesting the Mayor's attendance at any local events.
The Mayor of Castle Point
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